Energy Assessment

All new homes constructed after April 2010 must be designed to comply with the Building Code of Australia requirement that they incorporate thermal properties to gain a minimum 6-star energy efficiency rating.

This delivers many advantages to homeowners including better energy efficiency, lower electricity costs and a more comfortable living environment (especially in extreme weather conditions). It’s also better for the environment as your home will have a smaller carbon footprint and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

AIM Drafting uses BersPro – a government approved software program to assess building energy ratings. Using historical climate data from the Bureau of Meteorology, simulate the thermal efficiency of your home taking into account your location, building orientation, roof and wall insulation, glazing, ventilation and floor coverings.

BersPro can also be used to run simulations to assess various floor plans and design elements, allowing us to achieve a cost effective energy efficient outcome for you.

With a 6-star energy efficiency rating now a minimum requirement, many of our clients are looking to achieve an even higher rating for their homes. Your desired energy rating is an element that we discuss with you during the initial design phase. Our team can provide options that will allow you to achieve this rating with minimal modifications to your overall design.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding energy assessment or would like to discuss your project.